I have now completed Chapters Four and Five of this book. Chapter Four talks about why we lose our peace. It addresses five reasons or issues that cause us to lose our peace.
1. Fear
2. The Enemy
3. Sin
4. Giving Up Peace
5. Losing Focus
Of course, Dr. Stanley addresses each of the issues, giving examples and giving sound advice on how to avoid losing our peace through these issues.
Chapter Five talks about having a peaceful heart and lists five essential beliefs for having a peaceful heart.
1. God is Absolutely Sovereign
2. God is Your Provider
3. God Made You the Way you Are for a Purpose
4. God has a Place where you Truly Belong
5. God has a Plan for your Fulfillment
Again, in this chapter, Dr. Stanley addresses these five essential beliefs, detailing each of them and giving sound advice on how we can achieve these beliefs and, thus, a peaceful heart.
I look forward to the next few chapters and will update you as I complete them.
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