Sunday, April 8, 2012


Last night, I was talking to my son on the telephone and he said he had to get the boys ready for bed and get ready for the “Easter Bunny.”  Of course, kids all over the country awoke this morning, much like on Christmas although maybe not to the same extent, excited to run in and find the Easter basket that the “Easter Bunny” had left for them.  Similarly, kids will expect to enjoy the traditional Easter egg hiding and hunting.  Of course, then there is the eating of way too much candy from the baskets.  Some families make the egg coloring and decorating a “family affair”, which is great.  Families need to have “group” activities that include the entire family.

Sadly, though, the above may be the extent of the day for many families.  Now, some families may get dressed and go to church.  Again, that is great.  Any opportunity that a family will take to go to a church service as well as expose their children to God’s teachings is wonderful.  But, this may be the only day of the year that they take this opportunity.

What if???  What if we all actually took the time to reflect on the true meaning of Easter?  Do you know the true meaning of Easter?  Do your children know the true meaning of Easter?  Easter symbolizes the most important event in the life of Jesus Christ as well as the most important biblical event in the life of any Christian – the Resurrection of Christ.  The Resurrection reveals a couple of very important things:  First, that Jesus Christ actually WAS the Son of God.  Who else could defeat death?   Second, that we can fully believe in His promise of eternal life for us as well.  His Resurrection fulfilled all the prophecies up until that time.  So, if all the prophecies were fulfilled, why would we doubt His promises to us?

What if???  What would our world be like if EVERYONE took the time to reflect on the true meaning of Easter and took time to celebrate this holiday as it should be celebrated – with reverence to Jesus Christ and God? 

Do you think it would make a difference in our worldly state of affairs if everyone took the time to do this today??

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Post

If you have been following the "Your Daily Fix" blog, you have no doubt read HOPE and HOPE II.  If you haven't read these, check them out when you get a chance - they are two really good posts!  They can be found at:   Your Daily Fix Blog

Now, there is a new post, BELIEVE.  If you enjoyed HOPE, you will enjoy this post as well.

Well,  did you check it out???  What do you think????

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure Live

                Once again, this is not about written material.  But, I had the opportunity to see the movie “Monumental” on March 27th.  For those of you who did not see this movie, it is something of a historical documentary.  Kirk Cameron strikes out on a journey to learn about our forefathers and the origins of our country.
                This was a one-time showing of this movie; so many people may not have had the opportunity to see it.  However, “Monumental” opened in theatres this weekend for a one-week period in Montgomery, Alabama -  Knoxville, TN -  Plano, TX – Thousand Oak, CA – Cordova, TN – Vero Beach, FL.  Hopefully, the movie will be carried in other theatres soon.
                Now, we all had history classes in school and the textbooks and teachers presented an account of our forefathers and how this country was founded, so we all already know how the story.  Why would we want to sit through yet another documentary on this subject?  Well, whether or not you are a “history buff” or think you already know all about this, you will need to hang onto your hat when you see this movie.  I did not like history in school, but still thought that I knew this story.  You will find that original documentation tells a much different story than the one we have all been taught.
                If you did have an opportunity to see this movie already, I would really appreciate your posting your comments on the movie.  If you have not yet had an opportunity to see the movie, I sincerely hope that you will get an opportunity to see it.